25.00 USD
22.50 USD
This is a one-off purchase and will be linked to your account forever!
One Time Perks:
$10,000 in-game money
5000 Claim blocks
Full Server Slot
Gain an extra 25 claims per hour of play
Access to two player vaults (/pv)
Create coloured text signs / Write in colour in books
Create 18 chest shops
Use of /kit Curator Every 7 days to receive: 22 Bottle O'Enchanting, 2x Gear Key, 1x Decor Key, Net and Capture Cage.
/sethome Access to set 25 Homes
/workbench - Open a crafting table anywhere
/clear - Clear your inventory
/enderchest - Open an enderchest anywhere
/tptoggle Toggle on/off TP requests
/dye - Dye leather armor any colour
/hat - Wear the item you're holding as a hat
/heads - Access to decorative heads